White River Manor is open during lockdown in South Africa

White River Manor is a registered essential service provider and amidst the COVID-19 pandemic continues to offer a world class therapetic Program. We have taken every precaution to maintain the integrity of our environment and screen clients both before and on arrival. Our staff too undergo regular testing and screening to ensure the safety of our clients.

    How practising mindfulness can help alleviate chronic pain

    For most people, pain is a temporary experience. For example, we might bang our elbow and feel a few seconds of sharp, jarring pain before it fades away. However, for those who live with chronic pain, pain is a permanent part of their everyday lives. Chronic pain is classified as a type of pain that persists longer than might be reasonably expected. It can be a...

    7 tips for navigating social situations when you’re newly sober

    You often hear people say they need some ‘Dutch courage’ before a date or a big social occasion. Alcohol or drugs are often-used social lubricants that many people rely on to feel more comfortable in certain social situations.  For those recovering from substance addiction, socialising without these crutches can be daunting. Social anxiety is a common ...

    What is Fibromyalgia?

    Did you know the ICD-11 has now classified Fibromyalgia under Chronic Primary Pain as Chronic widespread pain? The pain and suffering are real and can result in negative psychobehavioral consequences, including demoralisation, hopelessness, avoidance and withdrawal from society and life. There may be the presence of psychosocial factors with catastrophizing, exces...

    Chronic pain has been reclassified

    Chronic pain has been reclassified in the ICD-11. This became effective in January 2022 after a creative collaboration between the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP).  The new system provides a single diagnostic code for chronic pain (MG30.0 Chronic primary pain). Under the ICD-11, pain is not only r...

    Chronic Pain Engrams

    Chronic pain is maintained by your emotional brain circuits, not tissue damage. Your body should have already healed itself.  Your brain anatomy and activity reorganise themselves around your experience of chronic pain.  Pain engrams are memories of pain which are stored in your brain. They are believed to be formed when you experience pain for the fi...

    The benefits of art therapy for mental and physical health

    Art therapy falls under the broader category of ‘Expressive Arts Therapies’, which include writing, visual arts, music, drama, dance, and movement. These therapies combine creative processes with psychology to help people more easily access, express, and explore their thoughts, feelings, and experiences – and are proven to support both mental and physical he...

    The cost of rehab in South Africa

    Changing your life for the better is a significant step for anyone to take. Whether switching careers, moving cities, or taking a definitive move towards better, enduring health, it takes courage – and plenty of research and resources. If you’re experiencing dependency, stress or burnout, admitting you need help to make the health and lifestyle changes require...

    How seasonal affective disorder (SAD) can feed addiction

    Many of us are familiar with the “Winter Blues”. Given the vital role of sunlight in our health, it’s only natural that colder, darker days would have a noticeable influence on our mood and well-being. However, while most remain only mildly affected, a portion of the world suffers from a condition called seasonal depression - also known as seasonal affective di...

    Job factors that contribute to employee burnout

    It’s rare to find a person whose work life is completely stress-free, particularly in today’s ‘hustle culture.’ Fortunately, for many, this ‘normal’ work stress follows a natural ebb and flow, which can usually be managed in order to maintain a healthy work-life balance.  However, for some, a continuously high-impact lifestyle, combined with not p...

    Quiet quitting and navigating an unfulfilling work-life balance

    Whether you like it or not, the workplace and people’s attitudes towards labour are changing. With inflation, an increasing difficulty for young people to get on the housing ladder, and a cost-of-living crisis, it’s perhaps unsurprising that motivation to go above and beyond in the workplace is waning. This has given rise to a phenomenon called ‘quiet qui...