Addiction Treatment, South Africa, White River Manor

The benefits of sunlight on recovery

Published on August 26, 2020

There are many aspects of South Africa that are undoubtedly outstanding. One of the first that always comes to mind is its abundant year-round sunshine.

That warmth on the skin just seems to ease any physical aches away. As well, it’s known to be beneficial to any emotional healing.

It’s not just the warmth of it either, it’s the beautiful light it gives. We know there are plenty of countries not quite as blessed – where house and streetlights are on from the mid-afternoon or sometimes all day long on particularly miserable days.

Even waking up to such a dull grayness can be reflected in our emotional state. On the other hand seeing blue skies and sunshine instantly brightens our mood.

Then that it is pretty much dependable is wonderful. It means that plans for an excursion, playing sport or relaxing by the swimming pool become reality rather than something that has to be abandoned.

As well as losing the physical benefits, this also leads to a further dampening of the spirits. This all makes recovery even harder.

However, if the spirit is lifted at the sight of the sun rising into blue skies without a cloud in sight it is only beneficial.

At the other end of the day, even though the sun is setting, these are frequently such an unforgettable blaze of yellows, reds and oranges in the sky that they are uplifting too.

Recovery from dawn until dusk

cape town south africa

As well, beautiful sunrises and sunsets are inspirational for reflection and invoking a sense of calm. Our guests are always telling us how stimulating they are to their recovery.

Nestled on the outskirts of the town of White River, we feel so fortunate that we can share our 14 hectares with guests. This includes our peaceful 100-year-old garden.

White River Manor offers an extensive treatment Program especially created for each individual guest. This is to ensure the best and most enduring recovery possible.

Positioned close to the amazing Kruger National Park, we believe there really is no better place for clients seeking peace and quiet in one of the world’s most beautiful spots.

Regarded as one of the best addiction treatment centres in South Africa, we offer first-class treatment in a tranquil setting that gives clients an absolutely life-transforming experience.

south africa sunlight

Experiences include a day’s safari tour of the Kruger National Park where you can see such as elephants, lions and zebras.

There’s also the opportunity of mountain-biking or hiking through mountain and forest scenery, canoeing on the Sabie River or relaxing by the stunning Komati River.

Luxury Spa- White River Manor

Due to the wonderful climate South Africa is abundant with flora and fauna. Beautiful tall trees around the manor offer cooling shade for those warm afternoons.

Why vitamin D is vital to good health

Our guests say the temperature here is ideal. We frequently hear that they agree with us in our view that South Africa is the perfect rehab destination.

With a temperate climate consisting of plentiful sunny days, we are blessed to have this sub-tropical weather. It means mild winters and idyllic summers.

Every day there are hours of natural light that encourages everyone to spend as much time as possible outdoors. This is valuable as our body creates vitamin D from direct sunlight on the skin.

Vitamin D plays a part in regulating the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body.

These are essential to keep teeth, muscles and bones in a healthy condition.

As well, something to consider during winter months in a cold-climate country is that people spend much more time indoors. There is much less daylight, even if there are sunny days.

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During this period of COVID-19 lockdowns and restrictions on getting out and about, it’s something to think about too. Some experts think that vitamin D reduces the risk of coronavirus, although research is still ongoing.

But studies have already shown that natural light has instant positive effects on our immune system, stress levels and blood pressure. A strong immune system of course means less chance of any illness and means the body is stronger if sickness does arise.

People with seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a type of depression thought to be caused by a lack of light, also benefit greatly from South Africa’s sunshine days. This could be that  – as with everyone – sunshine lifts our mood, which boosts the immune system in itself.

In fact it’s advantageous to any type of depression. People with anxiety also report immediate benefits. In fact there’s not one mental health condition that’s not helped by bright and warm days.

A lift in mood is believed to be, at least partly, due to sunlight increasing the body’s release of the feel-good chemical serotonin. The sun’s rays also cause lower blood pressure.

It’s thought this is because nitric oxide – a molecule produced naturally – is in the top layers of our skin. It reacts to sunlight and causes blood vessels to widen as it moves into the bloodstream. This lowers blood pressure.

Our experienced team would love to welcome you to our beautiful 5-star luxury recovery and wellness centre here. Contact us today to see how we can help you or someone you care about.

About Giles Fourie

Giles Fourie is the director and co-founder of White River Manor. He is dedicated to providing the best care for clients seeking recovery from substance abuse, anxiety, depression, or co-occurring disorders.
