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    Addiction Treatment, Mental Health, White River Manor

    8 Common Holiday Addiction Triggers and How to Manage Them

    Published on December 15, 2023

    The holiday season is a time of joy and celebration for many, but can present a unique set of challenges for those in recovery from addiction. Festive cheer often comes with triggers that heighten the risk of relapse. While relapse rates generally fluctuate between 40–60%, this holiday period witnesses a significant spike. This increase is typically a reflection of the heightened stress, social pressures, and prevalent alcohol and substances that accompany holiday festivities.

    Awareness and understanding of these triggers are the first steps toward effective management and sustained recovery. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the most common holiday addiction triggers and offer practical strategies to help you navigate this challenging time. 

    Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. With the right tools and support, the holiday season can still be a time for celebration. More importantly, using coping methods effectively can help to strengthen your resolve to stay on the path of recovery.

    1. Seasonal celebrations 

    If one thing defines the festive period, it’s celebration. However, in most countries, this usually translates to higher than average alcohol consumption. This can be particularly challenging for you if you’re in recovery, given the social pressures and expectations to attend such gatherings. These environments may bring up difficult emotions or cravings, but with a conscious approach and practical strategies, you can brave these situations while maintaining your commitment to recovery. Let’s explore how:

    • Create a supportive environment – Inform the host about your recovery journey and ask for non-alcoholic options, or consider hosting an alcohol-free celebration yourself.
    • Establish an exit strategy – Have a plan to leave the event early if you start feeling uncomfortable or triggered.
    • Engage in alternative activities – Propose or engage in activities that don’t center around alcohol, such as group games, film nights, or collaborative projects.
    • Practice assertiveness – Prepare yourself to confidently say no to alcoholic drinks.
    • Focus on the moment – Constantly remind yourself of the reasons for your sobriety and the joys of experiencing the holidays fully present and engaged.

    2. Stress

    Stress levels tend to be at a high during the holidays, ramped up by factors like family gatherings, financial strain, and the pressure of gift-giving. About 38% of adults resort to negative coping mechanisms such as isolation or substance use to deal with this stress, with 31% expecting to feel more stressed than in previous years. What’s more, 43% of people report increased stress during the holidays, with women often feeling the pressures of holiday planning and shopping.

    Girl meditating with standing bell at home

    If you’re in recovery, these increased stress levels can be particularly challenging, potentially stirring emotions that disrupt your sobriety. However, adopting stress management techniques, and planning ahead will enable you to weather the storm. Here are some coping methods to help you through:

    • Practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques – Techniques like meditation, deep breathing, or yoga can help keep you grounded and calm amidst the chaos.
    • Lean on your support network – Whether it’s friends, family, or a recovery group, having people who understand and support you can make a big difference.
    • Set realistic expectations – It’s important to remember that it’s okay for the holidays not to be perfect. Avoid setting overly ambitious goals and be kind to yourself.
    • Prioritize self-care – Make sure to take time for yourself. This could include quiet moments alone or engaging in enjoyable and relaxing activities.
    • Plan and organize – Anticipate potential stressors and prepare for them. This might involve setting a budget for gifts or scheduling downtime.

    3. Social pressures

    As holiday gatherings approach – from casual get-togethers with friends to formal office parties and family reunions – navigating social dynamics becomes a necessary skill. Beyond the presence of alcohol or other substances, these events tend to entail a web of social pressures, often resulting in delicate conversations about your recovery needs, along with the struggle to manage various relationships. 

    With its heightened social expectations, the holidays can amplify these challenges, making it crucial for you to approach each situation with a well-thought-out strategy.

    These social settings can put you in scenarios where your commitment to sobriety is tested – not just by the availability of substances, but also by the need to interact in environments that may not fully align with your recovery path. 

    Understanding how to deal with inquiries about your sobriety, and responding to well-meaning but potentially intrusive questions will be key. As will balancing the desire to partake in festive activities with the need to protect your recovery progress. Here’s how you can handle these social dynamics:

    • Prepare for conversations – Think about how you’ll address questions or comments about your recovery. Remember, you can decide how much or little you want to share.
    • Choose supportive environments – Opt for events where you feel safe and supported. If you know certain gatherings will be more recovery-friendly, prioritize those.
    • Offer to help with planning – By being involved in the planning process, you can influence the activities and make the event more inclusive for yourself and others who prefer sober activities.
    • Set boundaries – It’s important to communicate your needs and boundaries to friends and family. Let them know what kind of support you need.
    • Focus on meaningful interactions – Use these gatherings as an opportunity to strengthen relationships and create new, positive memories.

    4. Guilt and shame

    The holiday season often amplifies feelings of guilt and shame, particularly for those in recovery from addiction. These emotions aren’t just byproducts of addiction, but actively influence the recovery process. Studies have shown that high levels of guilt and shame are linked to less favourable recovery outcomes, potentially shortening periods of abstinence and increasing relapse rates​​​​.

    Moreover, these feelings – including aspects like survivor guilt, separation guilt, or omnipotent responsibility guilt – can vary in their nature and affect people in recovery differently​​. 

    It’s wrong to simply see shame and guilt as “negative.” As this study found, such a view is too simplistic: “guilt and shame can be equally counterproductive – or productive.” Shame and guilt have a habit of perpetuating more shame and guilt, and it often has little to do with whether anyone “deserves” it. These are completely natural feelings you can’t just push away. Instead, use them as fuel for your self-work and recovery efforts.

    Grateful woman hugging  best friend

    Essentially, how you address and cope with these feelings will be crucial for maintaining sobriety during the holidays. Here are some strategies that can help:

    • Seek professional therapy This can help you unravel complex emotions and develop healthier coping mechanisms. Find what works best for you, whether that’s mindfulness therapy, CBT, solution-focused therapy, or a combination.
    • Practice self-forgivenessSelf-forgiveness is a powerful tool in combating shame and guilt, and it’s been shown to have a positive impact on recovery​​.
    • Focus on recovery achievements – Remind yourself of the strides you’ve made in your recovery journey, no matter how small they may seem.
    • Stay connected with supportive peers – Sharing your experiences with others who understand can alleviate feelings of isolation and shame. Group therapy sessions can help you foster a strong sense of community that might otherwise become strained during the holidays.
    • Engage in activities that boost self-esteem – Participate in activities that make you feel competent and confident, reinforcing a positive self-image.

    5. Crowds and shopping

    During the holidays, consumer spending noticeably spikes. A GlobalData survey found that shopping expenditures increase significantly during key events like Thanksgiving and Christmas​​. This heightened consumerism translates into bustling crowds and busy shopping environments. These are often overwhelming for people who aren’t dealing with addiction or mental health struggles. For those who are, they can be even more taxing.

    Steering through (or possibly avoiding) these crowded spaces requires thoughtful strategies to maintain your peace of mind. Here’s how you can approach it:

    • Opt for online shopping – Enjoy the convenience of shopping from home, avoiding the stress of crowded stores.
    • Visit stores during off-peak hours – If in-person shopping is necessary, choose times when stores are less busy, such as early mornings or weekdays.
    • Delegate shopping responsibilities – Sharing the shopping burden with friends or family can help reduce your stress levels.
    • Prepare a shopping plan – Having a list and a budget can keep you focused and minimize the overwhelm of making decisions amid holiday chaos.
    • Prioritize self-care – Remember to take breaks and engage in activities that soothe and rejuvenate you during this hectic season.

    6. Busy schedules

    The holidays often bring a whirlwind of activities and commitments, leading to packed schedules that can disrupt your usual day-to-day recovery routines. Regular practices like meditation, attending support meetings, or simply having time for reflection are essential in maintaining sobriety. However, these can be unintentionally sidelined by the hustle and bustle of the festive period.

    Young woman is relaxing near Christmas tree at home.

    To effectively manage your time and maintain your recovery-focused routines during this period, consider these strategies:

    • Maintain a structured schedule – Plan your days to include your usual recovery activities. A structured approach can help ensure that essential practices like meditation, journaling, or support group meetings remain a priority.
    • Prioritize recovery activities – Recognize that these activities are not just another item on your to-do list, but the foundation of your well-being. Give them the importance they deserve in your schedule.
    • Learn to say no – It’s okay to turn down invitations or commitments that conflict with your recovery needs. Saying no can be an empowering way to protect your sobriety and manage stress.
    • Set aside personal time – Ensure you have moments in your day dedicated to self-care and relaxation. This can be as simple as a quiet walk with a close friend, reading, listening to music, taking an online yoga class, or enjoying a hobby.
    • Seek support when needed – Don’t hesitate to reach out to your support network if you feel overwhelmed. They can offer guidance and help you navigate through the busy season while keeping your recovery goals in focus.

    By implementing these approaches, you can better handle the busy holiday schedules, ensuring that your recovery routines are not just maintained but are central to your daily life. Remember, taking care of your recovery needs is not just beneficial for you; it allows you to fully engage and enjoy the festive season in a healthy and fulfilling way.

    7. Traveling

    The holiday season is synonymous with increased travel, with AAA projecting that 115.2 million travellers will journey 50 miles or more from home during this end-of-year period, marking a 2.2% increase over the previous year​​. 

    This surge in travel, while exciting for many, can pose distinct challenges for those in recovery. Crowded airports, disrupted routines, and the general stress of travel can strain your recovery efforts.

    To manage these challenges effectively, consider these strategies:

    • Plan well in advance – Early planning can reduce the stress of last-minute arrangements and give you more control over your travel schedule.
    • Prioritize your recovery needs – When planning your trip, factor in your recovery activities. This might mean choosing accommodations near support meetings or ensuring you have a quiet space for meditation.
    • Stay connected with your support network – Maintain regular contact with your support group, therapist, or trusted friends. Technology makes it easier to stay connected, even when you’re away from home.
    • Create a travel-friendly routine – Adapt your recovery practices to fit your travel schedule. This could include mobile apps for meditation or finding local support meetings at your destination.
    • Plan for potential triggers – Travel can expose you to environments where alcohol or substances are present. Have several strategies prepared for how you’ll handle these situations, including mindfulness techniques and calling a trusted friend or sponsor.

    8. Family dynamics and traditions

    Family blow ups during the holidays are so common they’re almost a cliche. You may feel obligated to see family, even if it isn’t always best for your mental health. This can be true even if there is no serious conflict or resentment. Deep-rooted family dynamics and traditions – some of which might revolve around alcohol – have the potential to derail recovery efforts. Such gatherings are steeped in history and shared memories, often carrying a complex mix of emotions and expectations. 

    If you’re dealing with an addiction, treading this familiar terrain while maintaining your sobriety can be daunting. For some, it involves walking the tightrope of respecting family customs while honouring their recovery goals. Bear in mind that not everyone will be understanding of your needs, and you must prioritize your own above those of others, no matter how close they are to you.

    Old father and adult son are relaxing in the backyard

    To gracefully manage these family interactions, consider these strategies:

    • Foster open communication – Talk with your family about your recovery. This can help them understand your needs, especially around traditions that involve alcohol.
    • Set clear boundaries – Clearly communicate your comfort levels to your loved ones. Be firm and stay true to your recovery needs even when these boundaries aren’t respected. 
    • Create new traditions – Work with your family to develop new, sober traditions, like game nights, film nights, or outdoor activities.
    • Focus on positive interactions – Concentrate on the enjoyable aspects of family gatherings, like reconnecting with loved ones.
    • Have an exit strategy – If an event or family situation becomes overwhelming, make sure you have a pre-prepared plan to leave calmly and politely.

    White River Manor – a sanctuary from holiday triggers 

    Nestled within the jaw-dropping beauty of South Africa, White River Manor provides a luxury rehab experience and holistic approach to recovery. Here, you can experience the highest standards of addiction treatment with the latest therapeutic techniques.

    A safe haven from the pressures of the holiday season, our facility offers the perfect backdrop for healing and self-discovery. With accommodations designed for utmost comfort and tranquility, we aim to make your stay both rejuvenating and transformative​​​​. 

    Our specialized inpatient treatment programs are tailored to meet your unique needs, ensuring a deeply personal and effective recovery process​​.

    Our passionate team understands the complexities of addiction, addressing not just the physical aspects but also the emotional and psychological roots. We tailor highly personalized treatment plans to help you regain a sense of connection and control in your life​​. 

    We also recognize the crucial role of family in the recovery process and offer exclusive family recovery programs to restore and strengthen these vital relationships​​.

    So, whether you’re struggling with the pressures of family dynamics, the chaos of holiday shopping, or the disruption of your daily routine, White River Manor is here to support you every step of the way. With our commitment to your well-being and comprehensive approach to treatment, we can help you get through the holiday season and beyond, towards a life of balance, fulfillment, and lasting sobriety.

    Reach out to us today to see how we can help you or a loved one build a life free from addiction.

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    About Giles Fourie

    Giles Fourie is the director and co-founder of White River Manor. He is dedicated to providing the best care for clients seeking recovery from substance abuse, anxiety, depression, or co-occurring disorders.