White River Manor is open during lockdown in South Africa

White River Manor is a registered essential service provider and amidst the COVID-19 pandemic continues to offer a world class therapetic Program. We have taken every precaution to maintain the integrity of our environment and screen clients both before and on arrival. Our staff too undergo regular testing and screening to ensure the safety of our clients.

    Mental Health

    What are the five major symptoms of burnout and how to get treatment

    Work-related stress is one of the leading causes of burnout - a condition that often gets attributed to specific professions, for example, physicians, paramedics, and firefighters. Although, burnout can affect anyone at any time and for several reasons. What is burnout? Burnout occurs when people struggle to cope with the demands of workplace stress. The...

    What are the common phrases used by a covert narcissist?

    We've all heard about the loud, boastful, grandiose narcissist, that individual in the group who is not afraid of being the centre of attention while lapping up as much 'supply' as they possibly can. Overt narcissist The above characteristics often get observed in overt narcissists, out of the narcissistic personality disorder paradigm, such individuals are...

    What is projection and how to tell whether it’s you or them

    Projection is the act of displacing our thoughts and feelings onto another person, animal, or object. Like a mirror, those who project their feelings onto others are (unconsciously) using them as mirrors. Essentially, such emotions reveal what is happening inside the person doing the projecting. Projection  Projection is a term commonly used to describe defensive...

    What kind of mental disorders are caused by trauma?

    Although it may seem as though trauma only affects certain groups of people, the statistics on emotional trauma reveal something entirely different. Traumatic event Studies show that over seventy percent of Americans have experienced at least one traumatic event in their lifetime. The National Centre for PTSD reported that over eight million US citizens experience...

    Why dual – diagnosis treatment is critical in addiction recovery

    Unfortunately, many people who struggle with substance addiction are also more likely to have a co-occurring mental health disorder such as anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, or personality disorder. Dual-diagnosis treatment Access to dual-diagnosis treatment is imperative for those struggling with addiction and mental illness. A dual - diagnosis is a term used to describe...

    What are the main process addictions and how to get treatment

    There is a lot of awareness around the topic of substance addiction, and while this can only be a good thing, information around process addictions rarely get the same acknowledgement despite their severity.  Definition of a process addiction Experts define process addictions as ‘’a compulsion to continually engage in behaviours despite the negative impact on...

    What are the Cluster B personality disorder types?

    Most mental health experts will agree that there is some overlap between diagnosing and recognising the symptoms of the various personality disorders. How many personality disorders are there? According to the DSM - 5 (diagnostic and statistical manual), there are ten distinct types of personality disorders divided into three groups or clusters. Each cluster describes...

    What influence has psychodynamic psychology had on modern-day mental health treatments?

    Much of what takes place in mental health today has firm foundations in psychodynamic psychology. Sigmund Freud first brought about psychodynamic therapy, an Austrian psychoanalyst also known as the father of psychoanalysis. What is psychodynamic psychology? Freud proposed the psychodynamic theory in the 1890s, where he developed a collection of therapeutic techniques and ideas that...