White River Manor is open during lockdown in South Africa

White River Manor is a registered essential service provider and amidst the COVID-19 pandemic continues to offer a world class therapetic Program. We have taken every precaution to maintain the integrity of our environment and screen clients both before and on arrival. Our staff too undergo regular testing and screening to ensure the safety of our clients.

    Mental Health

    What are the best trauma treatments?

    Traumatic experiences can have a profound impact on our mental health and well-being. Sometimes we may not be entirely aware of a traumatic event's impact on the mind and body. A person's symptoms of trauma may creep up out of nowhere and can induce psychological, physiological, and emotional responses that can be incredibly frightening and...

    The complex relationship between addiction and anger

    It should come as no surprise that many people who have problems with addiction also have problems with anger. They are often interlinked, with statistics clearly demonstrating a correlation between substance abuse disorders and violent crime. For example, one study showed that up to three-quarters of those who begin addiction treatment have previously engaged in...

    Is cognitive dissonance the same as gaslighting?

    Cognitive dissonance and gaslighting can co-occur. But, what do such terms mean, and does one buffer the other? When confronted with contradictory thoughts, behaviours, and ideas, it's easy to dip into a state of cognitive dissonance (When Cognitive Dissonance Leads To Gaslighting Ourselves, Scarlett Jess Perrodin,16 December 2021). There is a fine line between cognitive...

    Dissociation: How helpful is this trauma response and how to know when you’re doing it

    Many people might be surprised to learn how beneficial some trauma responses are, despite how unpleasant the associated symptoms can sometimes be. Dissociation is one such response, a defense mechanism that helps a person to survive or get through a crisis or traumatic event. This response can sometimes happen during significant stress or when whatever...

    Five signs that you might be gaslighting yourself

    Nowadays, the term "gaslighting" is becoming increasingly popular along with "breadcrumbing," "ghosting," and "the ick." Although prevalent in today's social media culture, the term gaslighting has a deep-rooted history that stems back to the 1940s when the film "gaslight" hit mainstream media and continued to have an influence centuries later. What does gaslighting mean? Various...

    The trauma of heartbreak

    Going through a breakup is a traumatic experience that can flip our entire world upside down. Ask any psychologist or mental health professional, and they'll tell you that breakups are a form of grief. But unlike the typical grief experience, it seems we are better prepared to help our loved ones' through heartbreak than the...

    What are the three types of transference in therapy?

    The term transference describes a psychological phenomenon in which a person transfers or redirects their feelings and emotions from themselves onto another person. Transference Transference is an unconscious process that often occurs in a therapeutic setting, for example, between a client and therapist. However, transference can occur in various other situations, not just within a...

    The link between dissociation and trauma: Signs, symptoms and coping

    There is much evidence to suggest a strong link between dissociation and trauma.  The above is especially true in childhood abuse and neglect cases where dissociative disorders are the most prevalent. Adverse childhood experiences and dissociation It appears that dissociation and dissociative disorders are significantly present in those with a history of childhood abuse or...

    The origins of histrionic personality disorder explained

    According to researchers, histrionic personality disorder, or HPD, is one of psychiatry's most ambiguous diagnostic categories (Historical Roots of Histrionic Personality Disorder, Filipa Novais et al., September 2015). The origins of histrionic personality disorder The origins of HPD stem back to the Ancient Egyptians and Greeks, who believed that a displaced womb was the cause...